Signaturgruppen has collaborated with e-nettet for many years, and according to Chief Analyst Kim Yde Søndergaard, the cooperation regarding privilege management works really well


The company e-nettet can be described as a digital hub, where employees work to develop and maintain a modern infrastructure with a wide range of information and services for the financial sector and actors in the housing market.

As a service provider, e-nettet requires privilege management with a wide range of customers. These customers have employees who access e-nettet's user interface, and the customers need to be authenticated on e-nettet.

In the solutions e-nettet operates with, customers can differentiate between different privileges that employees may have.

"Since we don't want to know internal structures of employee relationships in the companies, the privilege management solution is precisely an opportunity to delegate to the customer companies themselves," says e-nettet's Chief Analyst Kim Yde Søndergaard.

"For us, this means that we don't need to know anything about the customers' employees or their organization. For the customers, it means that they can manage their employees' privileges in relation to our products themselves," explains Kim Yde Søndergaard.

Among the most important processes supported by e-nettet's products are financing for private and commercial purposes, buying and selling real estate, registration, and refinancing of loans, and today, the digital highway is such an integrated part of the workflows in the financial sector that there are only a few manual exits left.


Secure access

When e-nettet's users need to use and access e-nettet's digital solutions, it is important to know that it is the correct users who are accessing e-nettet's portal solutions so that a user does not gain unauthorized access to, for example, data and confidential information about a customer. Therefore, e-nettet's customers' employees must log in with MitID Erhverv to use and access e-nettet's digital solutions.

When organizations still have to log in to public self-service solutions with MitID Erhverv and, for example, read digital mail or report taxes, it is flexible for employees at e-nettet's business customers that they can also log in or digitally sign on behalf of the company at e-nettet with MitID Erhverv.

This creates security and confidence for the users.

The customers' self-administration of their employees' privileges to e-nettet's products is handled by a privilege service provided by Signaturgruppen.


Read more:

Signaturgruppen Broker Privilege Management


"Signaturgruppen's deliveries and service for e-nettet's privilege management work exceptionally well," explains Kim Yde Søndergaard.

"Signaturgruppen is skilled, constructive, and accommodating. They possess immense domain knowledge about the digital society's identity solutions. We have had a really good dialogue with Signaturgruppen throughout our project to transition to MitID and MitID Erhverv," adds the chief analyst.

Signaturgruppen extended the long-standing cooperation agreement with e-nettet a few years ago, and the agreement on privilege management was included in that pool.


Read more about e-nettet here:


If you want to know more about Signaturgruppen Broker Privilege Management solution, please contact:

Susan Kit Hansen
Key Account Manager

M: +45 30 69 55 08


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