With the shift to MitID Business and OCES3 certificates, there arises a need for a new solution to manage "secure email." Signaturgruppen is now equipped with this solution.
"Until now, it was expected that Secure email would become less important under MitID Business as more and more systems are based on the government's 'Digital Post' solutions. 'Secure email' is still an option in MitID Business, but it is not well supported," explains CEO of Signaturgruppen, Niels Frimodt Sørensen.
It turns out that many still have the need for a Secure email solution, so Signaturgruppen has developed a solution that optimizes secure email under MitID Business.
"The new solution is based on our experience from NemID Business and Signaturcentral combined with the new opportunities for synchronization services with MitID Business," adds the director.
All administration is based on Active Directory, and the user experience is even smoother than it was under NemID.
If your organization depends on "Secure email" for communication with other partners, reach out to us so we can explain the options further.
Erik Friis Kristensen,
Key Account Manager
Email: erik@signaturgruppen.dk - mobile: +45 29 26 29 58