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Update on: Signaturgruppen Broker

- July 2024

Progress with implementing MitID is advancing. Below you can read about the latest developments.


Age Verification

Denmark leads the EU in age verification for customers purchasing alcohol. Signaturgruppen can provide solutions directly with MitID, as well as more GDPR-friendly options where minimal user information is obtained while still complying with regulations. Read more at MitID Age Verification.


MitID Update

On June 26th, MitID updated the pre-production environment from v13 to v14. Unfortunately, this caused disruptions in the environment. If you experience disruptions either in production or in PP, we recommend following our operational status page: Operational Status, where we will communicate disturbances or announce updates.

The corresponding release is scheduled for August 14th in the production environment. It is not expected that the update will pose challenges for service providers as it primarily includes user-focused changes.


Danish Chamber of Commerce & Signaturgruppen Present:
Webinar on Age Verification for Online Sales

Learn how your online store can comply with new legal requirements for remote sales of alcohol, nicotine, and tobacco with MitID Age Verification. Sign up here.


New Website

We have refreshed our website with a more contemporary look. Alongside this update, we have refined our messaging to ensure our customers can easily and quickly understand our services. Likewise, we have phased out references to Nets in our product names – for example, "Signaturgruppen Broker."

Take a look at the page here.


New Documentation Site

At the same time, we have given our documentation a brush-up and transitioned it from documents to a web format. If you wish to explore our technical integrations, please refer to the Broker Technical Documentation.


Infrastructure Update

Our ongoing efforts to enhance our service necessitate a fundamental update this time around. Most customers will not be affected, but if, for example, you rely on filtering incoming traffic from our data centers, you should update your inbound firewall rule, as indicated below:

Pre-Production (PP)

For PP customers, please note that the source IP address for will change from to an address in subnet The update is expected to be completed by August 15th.


For production customers, our source IP for is currently and This is not expected to change immediately, but customers are encouraged to update inbound firewall rules to allow traffic from the subnet. The production upgrade is expected to be completed August 25th at 23:00. Please continue to monitor our StatusPage as usual.

Finally, note that during the autumn, we will similarly change the DNS for our service, but customers will have a longer deadline to make this change, and there will be an opportunity for parallel operation.


CPR Match for Qualified Signatures

Nemlog-in was updated to v9 earlier this May. As a result, it is now finally possible to match a private individual with the identity indicated by their signature. This functionality is also available to the service providers we assist with qualified signing.

Read more about the feature here.


Update on: Signaturgruppen Broker

- January 2024


Broker TLS/SSL Server Certificate Chain

Endpoints at MitID and Signaturgruppen Broker are protected with TLS/SSL using server certificates issued by Let's Encrypt.

Previously, the certificate chain presented was, for example, <> -> R3 -> ISRG Root X1

From February 8th onwards, new certificates will be issued and presented exclusively with the chain <> -> R3 The issuing CA 'R3' is issued by 'ISRG Root X1' and is in the trust store of all modern devices. Therefore, it is expected that this change will not cause issues. However, as there may be integrations that do not have correct/updated trust in their keystores or may not support this automatically, we are conducting a controlled update/rollout of new certificates for all PP endpoints on Wednesday, January 17th. Production will follow from February 8th.

As a service provider, you should verify that your integration continues to function in the PP environment after January 18th to ensure there will be no issues for the corresponding integration in production.


MitID v13 Deployment 

MitID has scheduled the upcoming update of its infrastructure to v13. Details of the update will be released in the near future. It is not expected that MitID v13 will require action from service providers, but will simply include improvements and functionality related to users.

For precautionary measures, all service providers are encouraged to ensure their integrations work in PP after the update on January 30th, 2024.

The update is scheduled to go into production on February 20th, 2024.

For further updates, please monitor our status page.

Update on: Signaturgruppen Broker

- October 2023


NemID Shutdown - Service Providers to Bid Farewell to NemID

Over time, Signaturgruppen has assisted many service providers in implementing NemID login capabilities. We have also helped many of these providers transition to MitID, supporting both NemID and MitID through our broker.

It has been announced that NemID will shut down on October 31, 2023, with MitID being the future solution moving forward.

For service providers wishing to maintain control over the NemID shutdown, we recommend disabling NemID on their services themselves. If using our broker, you can adjust the IdP configuration in the administration panel or manage it from your application by ensuring the idp_values do not include NemID.

For service providers using our broker for NemID, after the shutdown at the end of October, we will automatically block NemID to ensure it does not initiate, whether configured or requested explicitly with idp_values. This measure aims to ensure a smooth user experience throughout the shutdown period.

Furthermore, we do not anticipate any disruptions to service operations on Signaturgruppen Broker due to the NemID shutdown.


MitID v12 Deployment on October 17th

MitID has announced the deployment of MitID v12 starting on October 17th at 02:00 CET. We do not expect this update to pose challenges for service providers as it primarily includes optimizations and enhancements relevant to users and their registrations.

However, please note that disruption of MitID services of up to 30 minutes is expected starting from 02:10.


Service Provider-Specific Logo in MitID App

MitID recommends that service providers take advantage of the opportunity to integrate a service provider-specific logo into the MitID app. This ensures strong continuity of the service provider's branding and enhances security by allowing users to visually confirm that the transaction being approved is as expected.

We have integrated a validator to easily ensure that an SVG-format logo meets MitID's technical guidelines. The validator is accessible to service providers through the administration portal. From there, simply submit the file to our support team for final configuration in MitID.

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